About Akhet

In Ancient Egypt the temples were often referred to as Akhet, a word meaning “brilliance” “emergence” and “radiant place.” As such the temples were seen as places where heaven, earth and the underworld touched and merged as one. They became the points at which the material world was transcended and infused by the Divine, or Neter as divinity was called in Ancient Egypt. In affect, they were places of spiritual emergence for both the community and the individual.

As an organization Akhet is dedicated to helping fulfil the spiritual needs of those who desire to follow the Ancient Religion of Egypt. This is done through a variety of ways.

All members are provided with the accurate civil and religious calendars of Ancient Egypt calculated for our current era. These are complex calendars based upon the celestial cycles of the stars and moon. Through these members are taught how to observe the Abed Heb, seasonal festivals, attuning themselves to the rhythm of the universe as understood by the Egyptians.

  • All members receive, via e-mail, monthly ceremonial exercises in accordance with the lunar festival calendar.
  • Akhet utilizes the authentic rituals that were employed in Egypt for the benefit of its members.
  • Courses of study designed to teach the religion, philosophy and practical application of the Egyptian legacy are presented to those interested.
  • The temple newsletter is sent to all members once every four months, in accordance with the three seasons of the Egyptian calendar.
  • Personal instruction from trained members of Akhet’s Priesthood is available to those who seek this.
  • Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar quarter phases (known as Heb Dni and Heb Nw Dni) an on-line discussion, via the internet, is held. All members are invited to attend.

All members begin as Rekhyet; an Ancient Egyptian word that referred to members of the public who participated in the religious rites of the temples. In the temple of Akhet, the term Rekhyet is used in a similar context to the modern word “congregation.” However, this should not be taken too literally as Ancient Egyptian religion is largely experiential for all involved. As such it is diametrically opposite to most current western forms of religion in which the congregation is more of a spectator with very little direct relationship with deity. Rather, Rekhyet are encouraged to study the material and practice the simple rituals that are sent out in accordance with the festival calendars. Through these, members begin to form a bond between themselves and Neter. For many, the level of spiritual development that comes with being in the Rekhyet fulfils their inward needs with no desire to proceed further into the deeper mysteries of the philosophy.

However, Akhet is also a center of esoteric learning and development for those who seek to discover the deeper teachings contained within the religion. For these we have complete training programs designed to carry the individual to the point that they are ready for initiation into the Priesthood itself, if so desired. Once one is accepted for training with the view of becoming a Priest or Priestess they no longer are considered a part of the Rekhyet. Rather the individual has entered the stage of the Bezzu. This is an Ancient Egyptian term that translates loosely as: “those in the process of initiation.”

The Priesthood, known as the Wenwet, is composed of several distinctive types of initiates with differing degrees of training and areas of expertise. Within the Wenwet, there are also various tiers, requiring additional training beyond that given to achieve initiation. Each distinctive classification of the Wenwet are important to the overall functioning of the temple. For more information see: The Priesthood of Akhet

The Temple of Akhet is largely dedicated to the worship of Hwt-Hrw, the Goddess Hathor. However, all Names of Neter are honored here. In fact, many Neteru figure highly in the myths and rites associated with Hathor. As such we strongly encourage members to find and work with the Name of Neter that relates best to them. This is a highly personal and spiritual matter that takes time, contemplation and inner reflection to determine. With the assistance of the Priesthood, if desired, all members eventually learn the Name of Neter that personally governs their life. Once this is determined members are guided as to how to best relate to and serve that Name, should the member so desire.

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