Mind over Matter: Influence RNG

The Mind over Matter experiment is the first experiment that uses a real random number generator (RNG) connected to the Internet. The RNG produces random bits ‘1’ or ‘0’ based upon electronic noise. These bits are used in the experiment to determine if an object on the screen will grow or shrink.

Mind over matter princeton university rng
Mind influence rng

The participant’s goal is to ‘influence’ the random number generator in such a way that the circle will grow or shrink according to a prespecified goal. So the computer will tell the subject what the goal will be (‘shrink’ or ‘grow’) and while the subject is watching will poll the RNG for random bits. ‘1’ bits will have a grow effect while ‘0’ bits will have a ‘shrink’ effect. In this way the participant directly observes the result of his or her intention.

One experiment consists of 64 trials which last about 16 seconds (depending on traffic on Internet).

This type of experiments have generally been done with a participant close to the device to be influenced. In an analysis of over 800 of these experiments Radin and Nelson concluded in an article that was published in Foundations of Physics that there are correlations between mental intention and the behaviour of the RNG. This conclusion poses an enormous challenge on our current world view.

At Princeton University also remote experiments were done with quite similar results thus indicating that trying to do this over Internet shouldn’t be impossible.

Participants often ask what should I do to get this effect. There is not a definite answer. The effects are small and per person rather unreliable. However most succesful subjects report a state of mind of relaxed confidence that it will work. There shouldn’t be a too hard striving according to these participants. Of course you can use any personal ritual that you like. Just find out what seems to be working for you.

The mind over matter experiment single operator graph

When you choose one of the options below you willbe taken to the experimental page and you will get a target direction (GROW or SHRINK the picture) specified by the computer. The BUDDHA feedback is recommended only if you have a fast Ethernet connection. The COLOURED rectangle feedback will work with even the slowest connection. Another advantage of the latter feedback is that when the RNG ‘moves’ into the targetdriection the colour is systematicall Green, so you can concentrate on the colour rahter than the size. There will be a version of the latter experiment where the rectangle is actually a look into a picture. When the recatangle grows the picture will be revealed. We are now contemplating to make this into a game for the Internet where the ffirst subject that guesses what picture is behind will get a nice price. Keep tuned. After 64 changes (either increase or decrease of size) the experiment is over and of course you should be pleased if the final result conforms to the target direction.

Source: https://noosphere.princeton.edu/science2.html

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